Bob's 2006 ING NYC Marathon Blog

My name is Bob Scofield and I live in Manhattan. I am running the NYC Marathon with the New York Road Runners Foundation Team for Kids. We raise funds for running programs for at risk kids here in New York City and other places around the country. To donate for this great cause follow the below link on the right (Internet Explorer users may need to scroll down to the bottom - thanks Bill Gates!). Don't forget to input my entrant number, 20832 and name Robert Scofield. The kids and I thank you!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006


That was my "official time", I believe it took 2 minutes to get to the start which would make my net time 3:24:17, which means I missed qualifying by 8 minutes and 18 seconds. Oh well, there is still almost 2 months left in the year to try again, I think I'll give it another go. :-) Well, that is a PR (personal record) by about 14 minutes which I am pretty happy with anyway. :-)

Off to sing at Arlene's Grocery, 95 Stanton Street, country music karaoke with a live band. It should be fun!

Thanks for all your support,



At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob! You did GREAT!

I am so proud of you. You are a terrific runner...


At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob! You did GREAT!

I am so proud of you. You are a terrific runner...


At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob, I was running with you (miles 11-17?) along with Nathan and Erik.... I was amazed how you guys picked up and disapeared around mile 18. GREAT JOB!!!

At 8:59 PM, Blogger MEF said...

way to go, bob!

At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS, BOB!! Way to go! You should be very proud! I have so enjoyed your blog this year - thanks for posting everything - makes for a great read and fond memories! You are hilarious. See ya at the Beer Mile!

-Nancy S.


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