Bob's 2006 ING NYC Marathon Blog

My name is Bob Scofield and I live in Manhattan. I am running the NYC Marathon with the New York Road Runners Foundation Team for Kids. We raise funds for running programs for at risk kids here in New York City and other places around the country. To donate for this great cause follow the below link on the right (Internet Explorer users may need to scroll down to the bottom - thanks Bill Gates!). Don't forget to input my entrant number, 20832 and name Robert Scofield. The kids and I thank you!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Breakin' the Law, Breakin' the Law!

Ok, nobody really broke the law yesterday, but the Harrison police were mighty suspicious of us as we congregated in the park before our run. With so many of us milling about clad in our uniforms, the motorcycle cop that happened upon us thought somebody had scheduled a massive race without getting permits or letting anybody in on it. Finally Adam set the fellow straight, that we were just some folks going out for a little training run and after a call to his superiors we were cleared for take off.

Harrison is a quiet suburb about 30 minutes outside of Manhattan. We ran by many expensive and beautiful homes, and got to see some picturesque views of Long Island Sound (we actually saw a guy with a canvas & easel painting a picture of it, that's how picturesque it was). The people there were very friendly and all of the many runners that crossed paths with us during the run smiled and waved at us as we went by them.

The 11 miles turned out to be 11.7, and it was a bit hot, but I finished ok. The last 1.7 miles or so were somthing of a struggle, having done 18 only 6 days ago. But everything worked out in the end. We had quite a good turn out with the volunteers, who provided us with water & Gatorade, which helped keep me alive since I idiotically ran with a video camera instead of a bottle of fluids. It was a warm day and 11 miles is nothing to sneeze at, so that wasn't the smartest move of my career I'll admit.

As the season progresses it seems like the team is bonding more, and I saw a great display of teamwork out there today. The faster groups started first this time around, so the 8:00's and the 8:30's had plenty of time to eat and drink before the 11:00's and higher started filing in. Greg Roelants, Avi Kravitz and Bob Lenahan all started waiting around the finish and cheering people on, and then, not satisfied with that they actually began running back onto the course to find our teammates and accompany them to the end. I was filming the whole affair and have started editing the video, which should be ready fairly soon.

Of course the video will be included on the DVD which will ship around December 1st. I am going to extend the $25 deal for another week, so if you order now you can reserve your copy for the bargain price (it will be at least $40 if youwait).

To order simply donate to Amy Dold, Entrant Number 18916:

Donate $25 to Amy Now and Save $15!


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