Bob's 2006 ING NYC Marathon Blog

My name is Bob Scofield and I live in Manhattan. I am running the NYC Marathon with the New York Road Runners Foundation Team for Kids. We raise funds for running programs for at risk kids here in New York City and other places around the country. To donate for this great cause follow the below link on the right (Internet Explorer users may need to scroll down to the bottom - thanks Bill Gates!). Don't forget to input my entrant number, 20832 and name Robert Scofield. The kids and I thank you!!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Last year's 20 Miler Part 1

On Sunday we will do 20 miles, the second longest run during our marathon training program (we will run 23 on Saturday October 14th). Last year's 20 miler was a big turning point for me. I had made a move from the 10:00 group to the 9:30 pace group. I felt that if I could keep up with them I might have a chance of breaking 4 hours at the marathon. I was successful, finishing it in 2:54 and change, which would have left me with over an hour to do an additional 6.2 miles (a 10:29 pace), certainly doable.

I actually did the 2005 twenty miler in 5 fewer minutes than it took me to complete the 18 miler 2 weeks prior. I ran the 18 miler with my teammate Jenny and I felt I had a lot left in the tank at the end. We did a little over 10 minute miles the first 17 and I felt good and decided to speed ahead, and broke 8 minutes on the last mile. That was what made me confident enough to move up to 9:30's for the 20 miler. I was only in that pace group, which consisted primarily of Jeffrey Carlson and Danielle Sallah, for that one run. The next practice I joined the 9:00's before splintering off into our little 5 person 8:45 faction with Sonia, Craig, Amy Dold and Russ.

My goal on Sunday is to be able to average my BQ (Boston Qualifying) pace for the whole 20 miles (7:29).


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