Bob's 2006 ING NYC Marathon Blog

My name is Bob Scofield and I live in Manhattan. I am running the NYC Marathon with the New York Road Runners Foundation Team for Kids. We raise funds for running programs for at risk kids here in New York City and other places around the country. To donate for this great cause follow the below link on the right (Internet Explorer users may need to scroll down to the bottom - thanks Bill Gates!). Don't forget to input my entrant number, 20832 and name Robert Scofield. The kids and I thank you!!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

20 Miler To Do List

Here's a list of things to do, it will be a miracle if I can manage to do all of them. In brackets for each item is the likelihood that I will actually remember to do it.

1. Get running clothes from the laundromat [100%, all running clothes in hands of my laundress, running naked not an option]
2. Drink Gatorade all day [86%]
3. Eat something! [95%]
4. Rest [20%]
5. Go to sleep early [7%]
6. Bring Gu or Gel or Cliff Blocks to the run [14%]
7. Bring a water or Gatorade bottle (or 2) to the run, one to drink before, one during [pretty good about doing this, there is a 24 hour store that sells Gatorade that I have to walk by on my way out, 92%]
8. Put on watch and track the time (I uncovered my 5 year old watch, see post on my first marathon for the story, it still works) [I haven't worn it in years and I remember most things by force of habit, so this one is going to be tiny decimal which shall be rounded down to 0%]
9. Lay out clothes the night before so I am not scrambling in the morning [35%]
10. Bring video camera and blank tapes [87.5%]
11. Bring change of shirt & flip flops [60%]
12. Bring Vaseline [18%]

For a report on a 20 mile run already accomplished by Jessica from Boston, take a look at her great blog, which has not yet been linked to on the TFK website. Take a look at her other entries, her enthusiam is great!

Good luck to all my teammates tomorrow and if I missed something, let me know: or just leave a comment.


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